Intentionally bringing more Black voices to our content, starting with this Coffee Chat on FB Live with Janelle @journeysandjetlag. Join us as she shares her experience traveling the world as a Black woman and her message for the travel industry which notoriously lacks diversity.
Vowing to never again let my own insecurities or discomfort keep me from speaking out when I hear racist remarks. (I put this one into practice last week when I heard unfathomable words from a white supremacist teenager, ugh. Another story for another day.)
Taking a course on systemic racism and how to be an ally for Black women. (#DoTheWork by Rachel Elizabeth Cargle. Subscribe here to sign up.)
Reading books like White Fragility and Stamped from the Beginning so that I can hold informed conversations with people and speak loudly with the knowledge to back me up.
Intentionally adding Black voices to my podcast consumption and social media feeds to ensure that the world around me doesn’t just consist of people who look like me. (I’m now listening to CodeSwitch, 1619 (New York Times), Side Hustle Pro, and others created by Black leaders. New follows include @ava, @Rachel.cargle, @michellesaahene, @keedronbryant, @cleowade, @mspackyetti, @candaceabroad, @zoidham, and @verydelphine).
Voting for leaders that promise change against systemic racism.
Signing petitions and letting my Reps know how I want them to vote on bills. (IssueVoter makes this suuuper easy, check it out! also offers an easy way to sign petitions.)
Donating to Black Voters Matter Fund and Atlanta Solidarity Fund. (This article and this one list many others that are making change and need your support.)
Thanks for listening,
Sierra Busch, Founder of Creative Edge Travel
PS: If you don’t believe racism is a problem, you can kindly unfollow us and unsubscribe here (but watch this video first).
Seriously, there’s no room for you at this table. Ciaooo!